Lynch School of Education
Telephone: 617-552-0216
Email: lowenhre@caminal-equip.com
K-12 School Reform
Education Policy
Immigrant Education
Instructional and Distributed Leadership
Counter Terrorism
Dr. Lowenhaupt is an expert in school reform and immigration issues in education. She studies the implementation of school reform in the context of shifting student demographics and a changing policy climate for English Language Learners (ELLs).
Widely published, Lowenhaupt is the co-author of: “Toward a Theory of School Capacity in New Immigrant Destinations: Instructional and Organizational Considerations” (Leadership & Policy in Schools, 2015); “Organizing Instruction in New Immigrant Destinations: District Infrastructure and Subject-specific School Practice” (American Educational Research Journal--Social and Institutional Analysis, 2015) and author of “School Access and Participation: Family Engagement Practices in the New Latino Diaspora” (Education and Urban Society, 2012). She is also the winner of the Outstanding Paper Award for, “The language of Leadership: Principal Rhetoric in Everyday Practice” (Journal of Educational Administration, 2015). Lowenhaupt has received funding for her work from the Spencer Foundation, the W.T. Grant Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. She also serves as an assistant editor for the journal Educational Policy.